How to invest in a Coach AND save time & money! Have you ever thought to yourself, I'd LOVE to work with a coach BUT....I can't afford the time or the money? Shifting your mindset may be easier than you imagine. So if you believe you can't afford either the time...
Blog Series part 6: Six Steps To Self-Belief, Staying Motivated and Taking Action!
Learn How To Stay Motivated and Take Action! Hi, I’m Vicky, and I help Professional people like you stay motivated and take actions - even when it feels hard! Welcome to week six in my blog series, "Six Steps To Self-Belief. Reclaim Your Power!'. One of the most...
Blog Series Part 5: Six Steps To Self Belief, Creating A Vision For The Life You’d Love To Live!
Blog Series Part Five: Creating A Life You'd Love To Live! Hi, I’m Vicky, and I help Professional people like you create a life they LOVE to Live! Welcome to week five in my blog series, "Six Steps To Self-Belief. Reclaim Your Power!'. One of the first steps I teach...
Blog Series Part 4: Six Steps To Self Belief, Reclaim Your Power! You Deserve Empowerment and Success!
Blog Series Part Four: You Deserve Empowerment And Success In Your Life! Welcome to part four of my Blog Series, From Self Doubt to Self Belief, Reclaim Your Power! I’m Vicky, and I help Professional people like you experience more empowerment and a increased sense of...
Blog Series From Self-Doubt To Self-Belief part three: Managing Your Fear To Build Self-Belief
Blog Series Part 3: Welcome to part three in my blog series, From Self-Doubt To Self-Belief, Reclaim Your Power! Today we investigate MANAGING fear and self-doubt better! So that you can FEEL more confident despite the fear that accompanies the route to greater...
Blog Series From Self-Doubt To Self-Belief, Part Two: How to Create A Growth Mindset
Welcome to the second blog in my six week series designed to help Professional people Move From Self-Doubt to Self-Belief and Reclaim their Power! This week focuses on being open to a life you’d love more. In short, creating a growth mindset and more positive outlook...
Blog series: Six steps from Self-doubt to Self-belief part 1
Six simple to follow steps to move you from Self-Doubt to Self-belief! This blog series is for people who struggle with self-doubt but believe that there is more to life than this. Secretly longing for a bolder, brighter more expansive life, but afraid or unsure of...
Is there more to life than this? Find your meaningful contribution…
What's missing? After many years working in the corporate world I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Whatever it was had me searching for more money, more responsibility, more love, boots and handbags, name it I tried it. But the 'gap'...
Finding Optimism When You Really Want To Cry
Focus on the good No one could have anticipated the recent tragic events in Christchurch New Zealand. I feel proud and privileged to be part of a nation that has come together with such overwhelming support for the victims and their families. This bears witness to the...
Transform your success with diversified income streams!
Living the Dream? Yeah right! Living the dream can sound a bit trite and unrealistic when you're struggling to pay the bills every month. I've lived that life and moved beyond it and I've helped my clients to do the same. One of the strategies that I love is based on...