Finding Optimism When You Really Want To Cry

Focus on the good No one could have anticipated the recent tragic events in Christchurch New Zealand. I feel proud and privileged to be part of a nation that has come together with such overwhelming support for the victims and their families. This bears witness to the...

Feels too good to be true?

Feels too good to be true?

Do you ever find yourself wondering if the good space you're in can last? I felt that way for a long time too. In the past I have struggled with a 'fear of abandonment' - I was super premature as a baby so isolated for longer than is now thought to be sensible....

It’s a chapter, it’s not your whole book

It’s a chapter, it’s not your whole book

When life throws you a curve ball, which it invariably will, how do you respond? Most of us default to drama in one sense or another, perhaps falling into victim-hood, anger and bitterness. This is often known as the ‘why me’ stage of moving through an experience we...

If you stop struggling you’ll float!

If you stop struggling you’ll float!

We all have LONGINGS and DISCONTENT at some point in our lives. I lived for a good part of a decade in the longing and discontent world, thinking that was it and I’d never steer back into less troubled waters. The good news is that these two emotional states are our...