Transform your success with diversified income streams!

Living the Dream? Yeah right!

Living the dream can sound a bit trite and unrealistic when you’re struggling to pay the bills every month. I’ve lived that life and moved beyond it and I’ve helped my clients to do the same. One of the strategies that I love is based on diversifying your income streams so that you CAN Create a Life You Love – with greater ease and a sense of appreciation!

Reality check:

Most start ups fail within the first year – and many small business crash before they reach year two. The majority of my clients want to transform their lives positively so that they feel more ALIVE and do something that matters to them whilst increasing their prosperity, be that by running their own business or changing the way they work in the world. So if you feel the struggle is real and you’re looking for new ways to feel less stressed about money, read on. Taking on a part-time ‘regular’ job or adding an additional income steam to supplement your income as you grow your own business can work really well. Whether it be casual (gym instructor or bar person) or salaried (20 hrs a week).

The hard yards:

As some of you know, I separated amicably from my husband in November 2017. I run my business part-time around children. The hard facts of becoming a homeowner and paying the bills for me and my kids was real from day one. My ex husband does contribute as I have the children more of the time but I still ended up with $10K on a credit card. No ease, joy or unicorns there are there?!

The power of intuition:

At that point, I was terrified of not being able to support my family and myself well. To fail before them and to let myself down. I knew I needed another income stream to balance my finances so that I could continue to run my Coaching and Speaking business. The house I bought had scope for an Airbnb (self contained unit downstairs). I knew instinctively when I saw the house that this could offer me a solution. To generate more flow and consistency given the seasonal fluctuations in the coaching business. I had a eureka moment right then and could see life getting easier and better for me and my family. The relief was palpable.

Commit and take action:

Making a decision – and not allowing yourself to waver or get distracted is one of the keys to successfully implementing a new idea or making a new income stream work for you. We got excited, we worked together, we went to work and set up the Airbnb on a shoestring. I hemmed the curtains myself and was pretty pleased with the end result. A workable business solution for a few hundred dollars.

Results based thinking:

Within a month I had become a Superhost, which means ten 5 star ratings. I found that I loved the social aspect of welcoming people in, finding out more about them and their travels… So what about the washing? There is plenty of that but as a short-term venture this strategy has worked incredibly well. More time to devote to building my Coaching and Speaking business which continues to grow in size and prosperity.

Who would love to have no debt? And more financial security (savings)?  More travel? I have just been able to buy tickets home to the UK to see my parents. This is something I thought realistically I may not be able to afford to do after the breakup. Coaching yoga at the gym helps. Teaching 3/4 classes a week help keep me fit and strong at 51 – and bring in a little extra money for treats.

Create a Life You’d Love:

Maybe you or someone you know has had personal and financial landscape changes? Or would you just like less stress about money in your life? I have built two businesses part-time around my kids (age 8 and 10). I have also helped my clients to open their minds to new ways of working. Here’s just one example, my most recent Dreambuilder Course graduates is in year one of running his own business. He’s just added a 20 hour a week job on the side to alleviate financial stress and bring the smiles back in his house. He continues to grow his fledgling business whilst breathing more easily with a regular wage coming in. If we can you can!

Does this resonate with you?

If you want to be, do, have and give more? To live a life you long to live and do it with a smile, and a sense of financial security lets talk. I can help you blueprint a life you love. To add an income stream or two that fits with your lifestyle and financial commitments. Use the booking system to grab a slot in my diary for an informal chat and lets go from there.

To your success,


#diversifiedincomestreams, #runyourownbusiness, #dowhatyoulove, #createalifeyoudlovetolive, #bebrave, #newchapter, #startingagain, #anxiety, #depression, #singleparent, #workingmum, #strategies, #lifecoachwellington, #onlinecontent, #financialsecurity, #internationalcoach,