Six simple to follow steps to move you from Self-Doubt to Self-belief!
This blog series is for people who struggle with self-doubt but believe that there is more to life than this. Secretly longing for a bolder, brighter more expansive life, but afraid or unsure of where to start? Start here and follow the weekly steps and watch your thoughts change. I’m super excited to announce my new course, Six weeks from Self Doubt to Self belief – reclaim your power! as a self-paced learning course very soon!
Why I care
The work I do in the world helps Professional people, teams and businesses to move from where they are to even greater success and fulfillment. It helps people to to Reclaim their Power. I’m a certified Life Mastery Coach, and I run my Speaking, Coaching and Workshops business as a single parent around my two lovely children.
Does everyone experience self-doubt?
Self-doubt affects all of us to a greater or lesser degree – but you can overcome it. The struggle with self-doubt, anxiety and depression for most of my adult life led me to begin working on myself. I found the true power and life changing impact of personal development. One of my core values is honesty so I’ll caveat that statement with this one, my power is not there 100% of the time. Do I still feel anxious sometimes? YES but I have strategies that help me to move beyond my challenges with more ease, success and confidence than ever before. You can too! Over the course of the next six weeks we will be learning about some of the proven strategies that work for me – and my clients.
Where does self-doubt originate?
What causes self-doubt? Sometimes its a belief or series of beliefs that we have built up over time. Sometimes its other peoples belief that have shaped our own thinking and the way we respond to life. These beliefs can begin in childhood, some are more recent. Most of my clients struggle with self-doubt but most would also class themselves as perfectionists – and say that they are too hard on themselves. Does this sound like you? or someone you care about? Read on.
Does self-doubt hold you back – are you your own worst critic?
I am a recovering perfectionist. Its taken a long time but you can change even deeply rooted perceptions of yourself and what you’re capable of. I am also a slightly reluctant Speaker, but sharing my stories changes peoples’ lives and makes that contribution in the world. Many of my clients have learnt to understand how they can change their thoughts to change their results. To recognize their true power and value in the world, and to create a blueprint for a life they truly love. And if they can so can you!
Your talents are unique!
How would you like to SHINE as the very best version of who you really are! To shine through the layers of self-doubt and old thinking habits that may have made you play small and live a life that is less than worthy of you. To focus on your remarkable and unique talents. Lets go to work where the self-doubt shows up, so that we can work towards the outcomes we desire and an improved self-belief.
Where are you now?
Before we can move on its useful for us to acknowledge where we are now. You are ready for change, you’ve invested time in reading this blog, but maybe you’re feeling uncertain about the results you may get and scared that you may need to step beyond your comfort zone to achieve things you haven’t yet done.
What frustrates you or makes you sad?
So if you had to describe the areas of frustration in your life right now, what would they be? Where do they show up… Often its in one of four sectors of life, our health, relationships, our time/money freedom and our vocation or the work we do in the world. Grab a pen and paper and write a wee list, its useful to establish a starting point before we move on.
Examples from my past life
So to give you some examples from my past life:
- For me, in the past my health suffered because I was so anxious and stressed – I felt wretched a lot of the time with chronic gut issues.
- Being married to the father of my children for ten years but again did not feel a deep sense of connection, emotional closeness and affection in our relationship. This was a source of deep frustration and sadness to me. Torn between wanting to leave and not wanting to break up a family.
- Feeling constantly stressed and was busy being busy. So busy that I lost sight of what was really important to me for many years. I now know that rushing doesn’t suit me – at all. I operate best with time to spare and don’t overload myself.
- In my work, I often felt frustrated by the lack of meaningful contribution I made in my professional life. I was well paid and enjoyed all the benefits of a professional corporate career but I used to feel a bit empty and low a lot of the time. Knowing much of what I was doing every day 9-5 wasn’t fulfilling me on a deeper level. The reason I became a life coach was because the one thing I loved in my old life was the small amount of time I devoted to helping my team develop an identity and values and to be the best versions of themselves.
Do any of those sound familiar? Or can you work out the areas you feel most resistance?
Where in your life do you feel Self-Doubt, longing or discontent?
Let’s start with an action – the universe rewards actions – especially those you haven’t done before – or recently! Write a sentence of two, specifically about what frustrates you, or makes you sad or unhappy about each of these four domains. Your health, relationships with family, friends and loved ones, your time/money freedom. Next week we will be looking at how you can re-frame your thoughts and feelings in the areas you don’t love – to get a more optimistic perspective.
Are you ready to increase your Self-belief?
Would you like a FREE private consultation for some more personal support or to book me as a speaker, facilitator, for a workshop or workplace wellness session for your office? Please use this link: or email
Are you ready for change and interested in more information about my Six Steps from Self-Doubt to Self-Belief video course? Just pop your name and best email in the comments below, or text me direct on 0224143487. Coming soon, packed with relatable coaching insights and proven strategies for success plus downloadable resources to help you ‘believe you can’!
With love,
ps. Please comment below if you’d liked what you heard or want to suggest a blog topic that you’d love to read more about!