Why is PERSONAL BRAND an important part of my career success? How does our TEAM BRAND impact how we are viewed within the organisation?
We have a presence, people have a perception about us, what we say and do (or don’t) impacts our visibility, credibility and impact.
It’s worth pondering on this question:
💡 What do people say about us individually, or collectively as a team, when we are not in the room?
Learning about ourselves through the eyes of others can be illuminating. Perception is in many ways, everything.
😁 The good thing is that it’s within our POWER to manage others perceptions or us, and our perceptions of ourselves.
Workshopping personal or team brand can be super fun! If you or your team would like to try this, here are some good questions to ponder on:
💡 How are we perceived? At work, at home? Do those parts of us align?
💡 How do we show up? Are we present?
💡 What is AUTHENTIC to you? When and why are we faking?
☀️ What are we known for. Ask each other… what would be our legacy?
☀️ What are the areas we (as a team or individually) perhaps need to grow.
☀️ As we all have different strengths, how could asking each other for help make a difference. For example, if someone has social anxiety and another is an extrovert, what can we learn about the other that may help us behave differently? With more understanding. More compassion.
One of my favourite activities is to workshop tricky issues with people or teams who want to learn about themselves.
Gaining insights into who we are, through the eyes of others, helps us identify where we may need to grow, adapt or challenge ourselves.
If you’d love some professional support or to enquire about a workshop for your team or yourself, please book yourself in for a free 20 minute intro chat, Https://vickyevans.com/book
An experienced, double certified leadership and life coach and workshop facilitator. I help busy professionals and teams to understand themselves better so that they can refine their model for success. And know their worth and value.