Do you struggle with self-doubt?
Do you wish you could be more confident? Can you be too hard on yourself? If you’ve answered yes, me too! Its one of the reasons I became a life coach, I’m excited to share that I have designed something that could help you – please keep reading!
How would you feel if every day you woke up feeling like the best version of you? Imagine what could you accomplish? What could you do? I’ve taken the most important lessons I’ve learned about growing my own self belief and created an online course. Designed to be affordable and accessible to everyone, this video gives you a snapshot of the contents “6-Steps to Self-Belief”. Learn how navigating each of the six steps will help build your self-confidence, grow your self-belief, and give you strategies that will help you achieve success.
Step 1: Where are you now and what do you wish you could do?
For any of us to move on from where we are, we need to start with a little bit of a self-audit and acknowledge where we are right now.
We usually start by identifying the areas of frustration in our lives and where they show up. Often, it’s in one of four sectors of life, our health, relationships, our time/money freedom and our vocation or the work we do.
We explore specifically what it is that frustrates us or makes us sad or unhappy in each of these four sectors. Then we look at how we can re-frame our thoughts and feelings in the areas we don’t love – to get a more optimistic perspective.
Finding a greater awareness of where we are now is a crucial first step towards a life we would love more.
Step 2: Create a growth mindset and increase your sense of deserving
The process of doing a self-audit (in step 1) can sometimes be quite confronting.
When we identify what is that frustrates us and what we would like to do, it is easy to find ourselves saying, “I can’t because…”
Sometimes we are held back by our upbringing or sometimes we simply don’t believe we can change. We may feel that we need our circumstances to change before we can be optimistic and feel empowered. But the truth is, everything starts with our thoughts and our decisions.
Sometimes deciding to try and see things more positively, or from a more optimistic perspective can really help change our mindset. So rather than saying, “I can’t because…”, how would it feel to ask, “But what if I could?”
Step 3: Build your self-belief and reclaim your power
If we want to manage fear and self-doubt better, identifying our negative thoughts and beliefs or self-limiting beliefs really helps. These long held, unhelpful thinking patterns tend to undermine our self-confidence and our self-belief. Many of us have long-standing thoughts that hold us back, sometimes we aren’t even consciously aware of them!
The good news is, we can manage these thoughts over time so that when we next feel confronted, we can STOP and take a breath. Then tell ourselves, “It’s because I’m stepping into my bigger bolder self!”
Training ourselves to think differently does make it possible to overcome the feelings of self-doubt, feel more empowered and more deserving.
As a life coach, I can give you the proven strategies and tools to overcome your negative bias so that you can change your thoughts, get back in control and generate more success in your life. I’ve also used these techniques on myself. I’m happy to share my ‘old life and thinking patterns’, my personal challenges and how I overcame them.
Step 4: Create a vision for the life you’d love to live
What is most important to you right now? What would you LOVE to create? Who would you like to BE? What would you like to DO? What would you like to HAVE and GIVE in these four areas of life: Health, Relationships, Time/Money Freedom and Vocation?
Using the worksheets to help prompt you to design a life you love, on paper, can be highly effective. Adding a layer of emotion to this – so that you can really imagine how you’d feel once you have achieved your goals – well that’s where the fun really begins!
When you have a draft version of a vision, I can help you perfect it and show you how to make it become part of your reality.
Step 5: Stay motivated when it feels hard
One of the most common issues I find facing people who are trying to ‘step up’ in their lives is motivation. As humans, we tend to focus on what we don’t want or don’t have and it’s this that impacts our ability to keep taking progressive actions.
There are several tools and strategies I can share with you to help you keep taking action – even if it is just small steps. Because every action, however small, will move you closer towards your vision or your dream life. Finding your tribe – the people who will back and support you, even when making big bold steps can be challenging too. But with the right guidance on who to choose, this can really help you feel more supported as you take steps to change your life. And don’t forget that I’ve also got your back.
Step 6: Celebrate success and create your six-month action plan
The final step is a personal session with me where we review the work you’ve done so far and create your six-month action plan. You will have completed the draft action steps using the worksheets and watched the videos. This session can be face to face or by videocall. It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and receive further guidance.
We also work together to review your goals, prioritise them and then look at a realistic timeline to work towards. And remember you can always book additional support sessions with me during the course or after your personalised session, if you feel you need them.
If you have any unanswered questions, or you’d like to know more, book a free chat with me here:
I’d love to help you feel like a bolder more corageous version of you!