How to feel better when everything sucks! 

👏🏼 Let’s give EACH OTHER a shout out today!!! 😁

We are all doing our best. However that looks. Sometimes it looks seamless – even when underneath there’s a lot going on inside us. 

🦢We might all be standing next to that swan whose legs are kicking madly under the water. Just to keep moving. We might be the swan, pretending we are fine.

👩🏼 My daughter is using the phrase YOLO a lot right now. And it’s so true.  

🎯We get ONE SHOT AT LIFE. Let’s make it our BEST LIFE. 

⏱️ Investing (time, money, resources) in ourselves sometimes feels selfish. 

💡 The insight here is that it only feels selfish if we have a subconscious belief that we don’t deserve it. That we don’t deserve MORE or BETTER than what we have.  

✨My wish for you today, is that you feel like you’re living a CHARMED LIFE. 

What can we do? ☀️ Wish someone well. Pay it forwards. Share kindness or a compliment to make someone’s day. Make a difference. 

⚠️ When we are tired and snappy, aim for the most respectful interpretation. Everyone’s doing their best. 

🤗 Smile, cherish the good, ably handle any challenges and end your day well! 

💪🏻Here’s to each and every one of you out there doing your best. Kia kaha and ka pai! 👏🏼⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

If you’d like to connect let’s arrange a time to suit you. Email me or call using the details below. 

Nga mihi nui, 
