How to expand your comfort zone!

Our comfort zone isn’t always comfortable!

Our comfort zone is just what we know. We’ve all heard that to grow, you must step out of your comfort zone
and do something different. But it’s easier said than done!

Staying in our comfort zone might mean living with a certain level of discomfort, or maybe
being resistant to change and finding yet another reason to procrastinate. But by accepting
our comfort zone, we also need to accept that we won’t feel super inspired, and we
certainly won’t experience GROWTH. So what CAN we do to change that?

Growth quote

“Growth and comfort do not co-exist.”
Ginni Rometty, Executive Chairman, IBM.

Growth requires new strategies!

It’s widely recognized in business that growth requires change and new strategies!
Whether it’s our personal or professional growth, it’s reassuring to know that if we are
experiencing discomfort or resistance, it indicates we are stepping out of our comfort zone.
This uncertainty or fear demonstrates we’re going in the right direction.

Managing our fear as we grow is a bit like managing a reflex. But for us to grow, we need to
knowingly walk into this discomfort which also requires courage and perseverance.
It’s a bit like walking into a strong headwind with the inner confidence that you’ll eventually get somewhere good!
I tell myself to ‘hold my nerve’ when I’m feeling confronted, ask yourself what could go right!

Remember who is driving!

For us to grow, we must embrace our anxiety, overwhelm, and fear, and remember that we
are in the driving seat. Sit your fear right beside you and remind it who is driving!

Growth happens before we see it!

Struggle is a big part of growth. We see it in nature all the time. Just like a shoot that breaks
out of a seed or a butterfly struggling to get out of its chrysalis, we must experience some
level of discomfort to reach for the light we are seeking.

If you plant bamboo, water it, and nurture it, look what happens. It grows two inches in the
first year, a few more in the second, and more in the third. But by the fourth year it shoots
up about 40 feet!

This is because the bamboo has focused all its energy in its first few years on putting down
strong roots. With such a stable foundation, it can weather the storm or whatever life
throws at it.

hidden growth happens before we see it

Practice being patient with yourself!

Often when we are working on our own growth, we want to see tangible results. But just
like the bamboo, at the beginning much of our growth is hidden. It’s about being patient
with ourselves. Knowing that we need to invest our time in putting down strong roots. So
that when we experience the inevitable setbacks, we already have the skills we need and
the strength to move forward again.
The best is yet to come

To succeed in business, grow our careers, improve our finances – whatever it is – we have to
be patient, take small steps, and keep putting the effort in. It’s not easy. If it were easy
everyone would be doing it! Overwhelmed? Not sure where to start?

A life coach works with you to develop personal strategies that will help you manage your
growth and achieve even more success. You’ll learn how to deal with your own overwhelm,
anxiety and procrastination. And how to give yourself permission to GROW and be kind to yourself
when you are experiencing ‘growing’ pains.

So, if you want to grow but you’re struggling to get out of your comfort zone, talk to me today.
I’ll show you how with the right strategies you can approach personal and professional
growth with ease, confidence, and success.

Book yourself a FREE 30 minute chat here:
Or if you’re SOLD on more growth and want change now, start here:

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Vicky Evans, Coaching Solutions Ltd

Life Coach, Speaker, Workshops, Facilitator