Can a Life Coach help my OVERthinking?

Overthinking may be the single most common detractor from taking action and achieving success. I see this every day during client consultations and sessions. I totally get it, life can be intense, busy and all consuming. But getting STUCK in your head means you are not taking action. Overthinking can create more of the same (perpetuating what you are experiencing now) for days, weeks or even years!

So how can working with a Leadership or Life coach help? I am a fellow overthinker, in fact a recovering overthinker! So I understand how hard it can be to release yourself from the repetitive thoughts and over analysis. Getting to the heart of the matter, pinpointing the issue and looking at each of the scenarios that might become a solution isn’t always easy if you are in your own head.

Sometimes having someone objective to offer their input on your situation is invaluable. Asking friends and family or DIY coaching can be very effective but sometimes an external, objective approach saves everyone time, and reduces the headache. This can bring a solution, swiftly and smoothly into your life.

As a lass who grew up in the North East of England (yes, a Geordie) I have to self regulate my straight talking sometimes. I can be blunt, my role as Leadership and Life Coach actually requires this. Sometimes having hard conversations with people is part of their journey through the challenges and into their solutions.

As a double certified, experienced life coach, I’ve lived through and personally worked through divorce, reinventing myself professionally, menopause, redundancy (twice), and the overthinking, perfectionism/self doubt maze that can feel like life!

If you’re feeling stuck, uncertain about your direction, craving something different – or wanting a freer, fuller, more expanded life, let’s talk. Don’t take my world for it, read my Google reviews!

If you’re keen to learn more or see if what I offer is what you need, please book in for a confidential 20/30 intro chat here.